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The Father Poet site presents the CULTURAL PROMOTION "Father Poet" especially designed for you, our reader,   literature and poetry lover and devoted father in the pleasant task of educating your children.

Registrations Finished in 2011

1.1 The event is targeted to parents poets, aged at least 18, and is intended to elect, among the 200 first poems received at the site in the order of arrival (THEY SHALL BE SENT BY THE SITE IN THE LINK TALK TO US), that best expresses the condition of Father Poet. See example on the site, Poetry “3 Children'' of '2010. The five (05) finishers will be asked to submit five other poems published or not addressing any issue. Only finalists shall submit (and, therefore, in the final stage) a document to confirm that they are parents (birth certificate, ID, SSN, document proving residence in Brasilia, eg water, electricity and telephone bill.

1.2 The contest will be held on an annual basis through the selection of the best Pai Poeta of the current year, author of the best poem according to the sovereign decision of the Jury. The prize to the winner Father Poet will be of R$ 3,000 (three thousand reais), whose delivery will be made at a ceremony to be held at a time and place previously disclosed.

1.3 The contest aims to enhance the ideal and exemplary image of the human being who is a true " Father Poet."

1.4 Divorced parents may participate, as well as parents who are unmarried.

1.5 The five (05) finalists will send the 5 (five poems published or unpublished) poems mentioned in a single envelope with the name of the competition already in the final stage of the contest and also a free text prose up to two pages telling his life story and interesting facts related to his relationship with his children and poetry. The five finalists will be called individually for an informal interview, only to deliver the required documents and proof of condition for the exercise of responsible and pro-active parenthood. The competitor who does not agree with this item shall be eliminated and the jury may choose a candidate not previously classified, best placed in the sequence of candidates.

1.6 The works must be forwarded from 08/15/2011 to 09/15/2011, via E-mail (www.paipoeta.com.br in the Contact Us link) no later than 08:00PM in GMT on 09/15/2011.

1.7 No works will be accepted after the scheduled time, nor above the maximum number of works for the contest.

1.8 Works in any poetic free style with free rhymes, white or loose will be accepted. A minimum of 4 (four) stanzas and a maximum of six (6) stanzas and a required number of 04 (four) verses per stanza. Please note that this set is a mandatory item. The penalty for the non-compliance with of the item means a disqualification from the contest.

a) Each participant may participate with only 1 (one) poem.

1.9 The scope of this contest is restricted to Parents and Poets living in Brasília (DF).

1.9.1 The Father Poet winner of any previous edition may not compete in the current edition of the Contest.


2.1 May participate in this contest men with the minimum age of 18 years, of any marital status, resident and domiciled in Brasília and who on the start date of the contest have proven to have 01 or more children.

2.2 In order to participate, interested persons should send their poem through e-mail, signed with their names, with a telephone contact.

2.3 The supporting documents should be submitted by the first 05 (five) winners of the contest and when requested by the team of the Coordination responsible for the Site Father Poet.

2.4 The document proving paternity is the child's birth certificate and place of domicile (proof of residence) plus the documents included in item 1.1.

2.5 In the event of noncompliance with the provisions of items 1.1, 1.10 and 2.6 of this regulation, the winner of the awarded will be automatically disqualified and the award will be granted to immediate best classified and who meets the requirements of this contest.

2.6 Will be considered void and immediately disqualified and barred from competing for awards, the candidates:

a) Whose e-mail address is filled in incorrectly, or which in any way contains incomplete information, or has some kind of error or inadequacy of the provisions of this Regulation.

b) Which contains words and / or expressions of profanity, contrary to morals and good customs and/or affecting the image and/or right of this site.

2.7 There shall be not valid entries that do not satisfy the basic conditions of the contest, being only valid the entries made in accordance with the provisions of items 2.1 and 2.3 of this regulation.

2.8 The participant will be automatically deleted from the contest in case of proven fraud or submission of poetry that is not of the participant’s authorship.

2.9 It is forbidden to participate in this contest any employee or his relatives, of the group site Father Poet.


3.1 The poems included during the period of this contest will be reviewed by a jury, composed by the Father Poet’s site staff and associate consultants. The Jury will be composed of professionals in the field of Health, Communication, Literature and Law related to the coordination the Father Poet’s site.

3.2 Participation in the cultural contest implies the unconditional acceptance of this Regulation and the total acceptance of the choice made by the judges, whose criteria are paramount, there being no dispute of any kind (judicial or extrajudicial).

3.3 The criteria used by the Jury for the selection of poems are: creativity, appropriateness to the proposed theme and proper use of the Portuguese language.

3.4 The winner and his poem will be posted on the site: www.paipoeta.com.br from 09/30/2011.


4.1 The best poem chosen in this contest will receive a award of R$ 3,000.00 (three thousand reais).

4.2 The award will be delivered by check payable to the winner at the awards ceremony to be held at a venue and date to be announced on the website or by e-mail, where the work will be read.

4.3 If the winner is not located within 30 days from the date of announcement of the winner in the site www.paipoeta.com.br, he/she will be disqualified and replaced by the second place, and so on.


5.1 The winner of the cultural contest declares that he/she is the owner of winning poem and that it is not plagiarism of any kind, and assigns and transfers to Father Poet's Site, at no cost, on a permanent basis , the full copyrights on said text for any use, publication or reproduction in the release of results.

5.2.1 The author of the chosen text authorizes the use of the work itself, the name, voice and image at the Father Poet's Site without any sort of burden to the Father Poest's Site, except the remuneration corresponding to the award referred to in clause 4 (four) of this Regulation.

5.1 When registering to participate in this Contest in accordance with this Regulation, the participants authorize the use of their data and cede all rights to the image and dissemination of their work for the Group holding the record of the site and brand Father Poet. The data to be provided at registration for the realization of the contest will be right and clear and simple content.

5.2 The participants also acknowledge and accept that the site Sponsor and Director of this event is not responsible or be liable for any damages or injury arising from participation in this Contest or the acceptance of any award.

5.3 These Regulations may be amended and / or the Contest suspended or cancel the Contest without prior notice, due to force majeure or any other unforeseen factor or reason that is beyond the control of the Sponsor and Director and which endangers the competition in order to prevent or substantially change the conduct of this as originally planned.

5.4 No changes in the contents will be permitted under any circumstances in the texts of competitors, after the delivery thereof, pursuant to the present regulation. The winning poem is automatically granted copyrights reserved to Father Poet's site.

5.5 The organizers will contact the person responsible for the winning work by email or phone.

5.6 The title of Father Poet and the corresponding certificate cannot be used for any companies or individuals who seek profit or that have no authorization from the owners of the rights to the brand Father Poet. The certificate Father Poet can only be used by the winner of the contest for personal and non-profit purposes.

5.7 In December of the year of contest the website www.paipoeta.com.br shall publish a book entitled: "Collection of Brasilia Father Poet," free of charge to the poet fathers finalists of contests until the date of such publication.

5.8 Upon registration, i.e., the sending of poem for the contest the candidate to Father Poet shall agree without restriction to all items and rules of this contest.

5.9 This is a contest of a cultural character conducted by the Father Poet's site, without any drawing or payment and without being tied to the purchase or use of any property, right or service. It is open to all interested parties who meet the regulatory requirements, except employees of the Father Poet's Site, their spouses or relatives within the third degree, pursuant to Law No. 5768 of December 20, 1971, regulated by Decree No. 70951, August 9, 1972.